Convert Pdf To Word In Microsoft 365 2023

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PDF files have become an essential part of our lives, and we often need to convert them to other formats such as Word. Microsoft 365 is a popular tool that is widely used to create and edit documents. In this article, we will discuss how to convert PDF to Word in Microsoft 365 2023.

Why do we need to convert PDF to Word?

PDF files are great for sharing and preserving documents, but they are not easy to edit. On the other hand, Word documents are easy to edit, and you can make changes to the content as per your requirement. Therefore, we often need to convert PDF to Word.

How to Convert PDF to Word in Microsoft 365 2023?

Microsoft 365 has a built-in feature that allows you to convert PDF to Word. Here’s how you can do it: Step 1: Open Microsoft Word and click on the “File” tab. Step 2: Click on “Open” and select the PDF file that you want to convert to Word. Step 3: Once the PDF file is open, click on “Edit PDF” in the toolbar. Step 4: Microsoft Word will then convert the PDF file to Word format, and you can make changes to the content as per your requirement.

What are the benefits of converting PDF to Word in Microsoft 365?

Converting PDF to Word in Microsoft 365 has several benefits. First, it allows you to make changes to the content of the PDF file easily. Second, it helps you to preserve the formatting of the document. Third, it saves time as you don’t have to create the document from scratch.

What are the limitations of converting PDF to Word in Microsoft 365?

Though converting PDF to Word in Microsoft 365 is a great feature, it has some limitations. It may not be able to convert some complex PDF files with tables and graphics correctly. In such cases, you may need to use a third-party tool to convert the PDF file to Word.


Converting PDF to Word in Microsoft 365 is a great feature that can save you time and effort. It allows you to make changes to the content of the PDF file easily and preserve the formatting of the document. However, it has some limitations, and you may need to use a third-party tool in some cases. Overall, it is a great tool that can make your life easier.

Question & Answer

Q. Can I convert multiple PDF files to Word in Microsoft 365?

Yes, you can convert multiple PDF files to Word in Microsoft 365. You need to open each PDF file and convert it to Word format using the “Edit PDF” feature. However, it may take some time if you have many PDF files to convert.

Q. Can I convert scanned PDF files to Word in Microsoft 365?

Yes, you can convert scanned PDF files to Word in Microsoft 365. Microsoft Word uses optical character recognition (OCR) technology to convert scanned PDF files to Word format. However, the accuracy of the conversion may vary depending on the quality of the scanned PDF file.

Q. Do I need an internet connection to convert PDF to Word in Microsoft 365?

Yes, you need an internet connection to convert PDF to Word in Microsoft 365. The conversion process uses Microsoft’s cloud-based service, and therefore, you need to be connected to the internet to use this feature.

PDFBear A Leading PDF To MS Word Free Converter from on the topic. Introduction PDF files have become an essential part of our lives, and we often need to convert them to other formats such as Word. Microsoft 365 is a popular tool that is widely used to create and edit documents. In this…

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