How To Draw A 110 Degree Angle With Compass 2023

How to draw 105 degree angle using compass.shsirclasses. YouTube
How to draw 105 degree angle using compass.shsirclasses. YouTube from

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Drawing angles is an essential skill in geometry, and it can be challenging to draw angles with precision, especially when it comes to 110-degree angles. In this tutorial, we will show you how to draw a 110-degree angle using a compass in 2023.

Materials Needed

To draw a 110-degree angle, you will need a compass, a ruler, a pencil, and a piece of paper.

Step by Step Guide

Follow these steps to draw a 110-degree angle:

Step 1: Draw a Line Segment

Draw a straight line segment using a ruler and a pencil. This line will act as the base of the angle you will be drawing.

Step 2: Place Compass on the Line

Place the compass at one end of the line segment and draw an arc that intersects the line.

Step 3: Place Compass on the Intersection

Place the compass at the intersection of the arc and the line segment and draw another arc.

Step 4: Draw the Angle

Place the compass at the intersection of the two arcs and draw a line that intersects the line segment. The angle formed by the line segment and the line you just drew should measure 110 degrees.


Here are some tips to help you draw a 110-degree angle with precision: – Use a sharp pencil to ensure that your lines are precise. – Make sure that your compass is secure and does not move while you are drawing the arcs. – Take your time and double-check your measurements to ensure that your angle is accurate.


Q: What is a 110-degree angle?

A: A 110-degree angle is an acute angle that measures 110 degrees.

Q: Why is it important to draw angles with precision?

A: Drawing angles with precision is important in geometry because it ensures that your calculations and measurements are accurate.

Q: Can I use a protractor to draw a 110-degree angle?

A: Yes, you can use a protractor to draw a 110-degree angle, but using a compass is a more precise method.


Drawing a 110-degree angle may seem challenging at first, but with the right tools and techniques, it is a simple task. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can draw a 110-degree angle with precision and accuracy. Remember to take your time, use a sharp pencil, and double-check your measurements to ensure that your angle is correct.

How to draw 105 degree angle using compass.shsirclasses. YouTube from section using and tags. Introduction Drawing angles is an essential skill in geometry, and it can be challenging to draw angles with precision, especially when it comes to 110-degree angles. In this tutorial, we will show you how to draw a 110-degree angle using…

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