How To Draw 9 Tails In 2023: A Step-By-Step Guide

How to Draw a Fox Easy Drawing Tutorial For Kids
How to Draw a Fox Easy Drawing Tutorial For Kids from

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Are you a fan of anime and manga? Do you love the Naruto series and the mythical creatures it features? If so, then you must be familiar with the Nine-Tailed Fox, also known as Kurama. This creature has been a fan favorite since its appearance in the series, and many fans want to learn how to draw it. In this article, we will teach you how to draw 9 tails in 2023, step-by-step.

Materials Needed

Before we start drawing, you need to prepare your materials. You will need a sketchpad, a pencil, an eraser, and a black pen. You can also use colored pencils or markers if you want to add color to your drawing.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Draw the Head

Start by drawing a circle for the head. Add two triangles on top of the circle for the ears. Sketch the facial features such as the eyes, nose, and mouth. Then add the details on the ears.

Step 2: Draw the Body

Draw a long line below the head for the body. Sketch the legs and the paws. Add the details on the fur.

Step 3: Draw the Tails

Draw nine tails behind the body. Make sure that they are in different sizes and shapes. Add the details on the fur and the tails.

Step 4: Add Shadows and Highlights

Add shading to your drawing to make it more realistic. Use your pencil to create shadows and highlights on the fur, body, and tails. Make sure that the light source is consistent.

Step 5: Ink Your Drawing

Once you are satisfied with your pencil drawing, ink it with a black pen. Make sure that you follow the lines you made with your pencil. Erase any unwanted lines.

Question & Answer

Q: Can I use a digital platform to draw 9 tails?

A: Yes, you can use a digital platform such as Adobe Photoshop, Sketchbook, or Procreate. The steps are the same, but instead of using a pencil and paper, you will use a stylus and a digital canvas.

Q: Do I need to be good at drawing to draw 9 tails?

A: No, you don’t need to be a professional artist to draw 9 tails. You just need to practice and follow the steps we provided. Anyone can learn how to draw with patience and dedication.


Drawing 9 tails may seem challenging, but with the right materials and step-by-step guide, you can create a beautiful masterpiece. Remember to be patient and practice regularly. We hope that this article helped you learn how to draw 9 tails in 2023.

How to Draw a Fox Easy Drawing Tutorial For Kids from section using and tags. Introduction Are you a fan of anime and manga? Do you love the Naruto series and the mythical creatures it features? If so, then you must be familiar with the Nine-Tailed Fox, also known as Kurama. This creature has…

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