How To Draw 90S Anime 2023: Tips And Tricks

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Anime has become a worldwide phenomenon, with its unique style and storytelling. The 90s era was a golden period for anime, with iconic shows like Dragon Ball Z, Sailor Moon, and Neon Genesis Evangelion. If you’re an aspiring artist or just a fan of anime, you might want to learn how to draw 90s anime characters. In this article, we’ll be sharing some tips and tricks to help you master the art of drawing 90s anime characters in 2023.

Understanding the 90s Anime Style

Before you start drawing, it’s important to understand the 90s anime style. This style is characterized by big eyes, sharp jawlines, and spiky hair. Unlike modern anime, 90s anime characters have a more angular and sharper look. The proportions are also different, with the head being bigger than the body.

Step-by-Step Guide to Drawing 90s Anime Characters

Step 1: Sketch the Basic Shape

Start by sketching the basic shape of the character. Use simple shapes like circles and triangles to outline the head, body, and limbs. Don’t worry about the details at this stage.

Step 2: Add the Facial Features

Once you have the basic shape, it’s time to add the facial features. Draw the eyes, nose, and mouth. Remember, in 90s anime, the eyes are big and round, with a lot of shine and reflection.

Step 3: Add the Hair

Next, add the hair. 90s anime characters have spiky and voluminous hair. Use sharp lines and angles to create the spiky effect. Don’t forget to add the hair accessories like headbands and clips.

Step 4: Add the Clothing and Accessories

Now it’s time to add the clothing and accessories. 90s anime characters have unique and colorful outfits. Use bold lines and patterns to create the clothing. Don’t forget to add the accessories like belts, gloves, and boots.

Step 5: Add the Details

Finally, add the details like shadows, highlights, and texture. Use darker shades to create the shadows and lighter shades for the highlights. Add texture to the clothing and hair using small lines and dots.

Tips and Tricks

– Practice regularly: Drawing is a skill that requires practice. Set aside some time every day to practice drawing 90s anime characters. – Study the anatomy: Understanding the anatomy of the human body will help you create more realistic and dynamic poses. – Use references: Look at reference images of 90s anime characters to understand the style and proportions. – Experiment with different tools: Try using different tools like pencils, pens, and markers to create different effects.

Question & Answer

Q: Can I use digital tools to draw 90s anime characters?

A: Yes, you can use digital tools like a graphics tablet and software to draw 90s anime characters. However, it’s important to remember that the fundamentals of drawing still apply.

Q: How long does it take to master drawing 90s anime characters?

A: It depends on the individual’s dedication and practice. Some people may take a few months, while others may take years to master drawing 90s anime characters. The key is to practice regularly and never give up.

Q: Can I create my own 90s anime characters?

A: Yes, you can create your own 90s anime characters. Experiment with different styles and designs to create unique and original characters. Remember, creativity has no limits.

Terpopuler 21+ 90s Anime Art Style from section in the end, using and tags for the questions and answers respectively. Introduction Anime has become a worldwide phenomenon, with its unique style and storytelling. The 90s era was a golden period for anime, with iconic shows like Dragon Ball Z, Sailor Moon, and Neon Genesis…

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