How To Draw Champa 2023: A Step-By-Step Guide

Champa 3 by SaoDVD on DeviantArt
Champa 3 by SaoDVD on DeviantArt from

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    Drawing can be a relaxing and enjoyable activity that allows you to express your creativity. If you’re a fan of Dragon Ball Super, you might be interested in learning how to draw Champa, the God of Destruction from Universe 6. In this tutorial, we’ll go through the steps on how to draw Champa in a relaxed and easy-to-follow manner.

    Materials Needed

    Before we begin, make sure you have the following materials:

    • A pencil
    • An eraser
    • A piece of paper
    • Coloring materials (optional)

    Step-by-Step Guide

    Step 1: Basic Sketch

    Start by drawing a circle for the head and a rounded rectangular shape for the body. Add two small circles for the shoulders and connect them with two curved lines for the arms.

    Step 2: Face and Details

    Draw Champa’s face by adding two small circles for the eyes, a long curved line for the mouth, and two curved lines for the cheeks. Add his cat-like ears and his antennae. Draw his collar and add the details to his clothing.

    Step 3: Arms and Hands

    Draw Champa’s arms and hands by adding his fingers and claws. Remember to keep the proportions in mind and make the arms slightly thicker than his legs.

    Step 4: Legs and Feet

    Draw Champa’s legs and feet by adding his toes and claws. Make sure to keep the proportions in mind and make the legs slightly thinner than his arms.

    Step 5: Final Details

    Add the final details to Champa’s clothing, including his belt and the folds in his pants. You can also add shading and coloring to make your drawing pop.


    Q: Do I need to have drawing experience to draw Champa?

    A: No, you don’t need to have any drawing experience to draw Champa. This tutorial is designed for beginners and is easy to follow.

    Q: Can I use different coloring materials?

    A: Yes, you can use any coloring materials you have available, such as markers, colored pencils, or watercolors.

    Q: How long does it take to draw Champa?

    A: The time it takes to draw Champa varies depending on your skill level and the amount of detail you add. It can take anywhere from 30 minutes to a few hours.


    Drawing Champa can be a fun and relaxing activity, and with this step-by-step guide, you can easily create your own masterpiece. Remember to take your time and have fun with it. Happy drawing!

    Champa 3 by SaoDVD on DeviantArt from section using , , and tags. Introduction Drawing can be a relaxing and enjoyable activity that allows you to express your creativity. If you’re a fan of Dragon Ball Super, you might be interested in learning how to draw Champa, the God of Destruction from Universe 6.…

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