National Emblem Of India: How To Draw In 2023

How to draw national emblem of India step by step so easy YouTube
How to draw national emblem of India step by step so easy YouTube from


The National Emblem of India is an important symbol of the country that represents its culture, history, and unity. It is used by the Government of India for official purposes, and it can also be seen on Indian currency notes, passports, and other important documents. In this article, we will learn how to draw the National Emblem of India in 2023.

Materials Required

To draw the National Emblem of India, you will need the following materials:

  • A white sheet of paper
  • A pencil
  • An eraser
  • A black sketch pen

Steps to Draw the National Emblem of India

Step 1: Draw the Outer Circle

Using a pencil, draw a large circle in the center of the paper. This will be the outer circle of the National Emblem.

Step 2: Draw the Inner Circle

Draw a smaller circle inside the outer circle. This will be the inner circle of the National Emblem.

Step 3: Draw the Four Lions

Draw four lions on the outer circle of the National Emblem. Each lion should face a different direction โ€“ north, south, east, and west.

Step 4: Draw the Galloping Horse

Draw a galloping horse on the inner circle of the National Emblem. The horse should face the left side of the paper.

Step 5: Draw the Bull and the Elephant

Draw a bull and an elephant on either side of the horse. The bull should be on the right side of the horse, and the elephant should be on the left side of the horse.

Step 6: Draw the Dharma Chakra

Draw the Dharma Chakra in the center of the inner circle. The Dharma Chakra should have 24 spokes.

Step 7: Add Details

Using a black sketch pen, trace over the pencil lines and add details to the National Emblem. Make sure that the lions, horse, bull, and elephant are all clearly visible.

Step 8: Erase the Pencil Lines

Using an eraser, carefully erase all the pencil lines from the paper. Be sure not to erase any of the black sketch pen lines.

Question & Answer

Q: What is the National Emblem of India?

A: The National Emblem of India is an important symbol of the country that represents its culture, history, and unity. It is used by the Government of India for official purposes, and it can also be seen on Indian currency notes, passports, and other important documents.

Q: Why is it important to know how to draw the National Emblem of India?

A: Knowing how to draw the National Emblem of India is important because it is a symbol of national pride and unity. By learning how to draw it, you can show your respect for the country and its culture. Additionally, it can be useful for creating posters, banners, and other materials for national events and celebrations.

Q: What are the materials required to draw the National Emblem of India?

A: To draw the National Emblem of India, you will need a white sheet of paper, a pencil, an eraser, and a black sketch pen.

Q: What are the steps to draw the National Emblem of India?

A: The steps to draw the National Emblem of India are as follows:

  1. Draw the outer circle
  2. Draw the inner circle
  3. Draw the four lions
  4. Draw the galloping horse
  5. Draw the bull and the elephant
  6. Draw the Dharma Chakra
  7. Add details
  8. Erase the pencil lines


In conclusion, the National Emblem of India is an important symbol of the country’s culture and history. By learning how to draw it, we can show our respect for the country and its people. With the steps and materials provided in this article, you can easily draw the National Emblem of India in 2023.

How to draw national emblem of India step by step so easy YouTube from Introduction The National Emblem of India is an important symbol of the country that represents its culture, history, and unity. It is used by the Government of India for official purposes, and it can also be seen on Indian currency…

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